Political Parties and the State in Civil War

Evidence from India

Varun Karekurve-Ramachandra


Aidan Milliff


Drew Stommes


Elections during civil wars

  • Most lit on elections and war focuses on onset, termination, post-conflict
  • However, elections often a political “front” for incumbents during conflict
  • Do elections shape ongoing violence? If so, how?

Existing theory is fairly ambiguous

How Do National Party Legislators Matter?

Reps of the “center” could increase violence:

  • Seen as symbolic outsiders
  • Could support aggressive policies, increase “effort”

Reps of the “center” could decrease violence:

  • Could attract more resource commitment
  • Could make COIN more effective


  • High-intensity separatist conflict (1970s–1990s)

  • (well) over 10k deaths between state, insurgents, civilians

  • Three state-level elections contested during conflict; largely two-party contests

    • INC (National)
    • SAD (Regional, ethnic)

Annual state security force fatalities in Punjab Crisis (Staniland and Stommes, 2019)

Measuring the Effects of Legislators

RD Design

  • Winner of “close” elections as if random
  • Intuition is simple, estimation is not so simple in practice, see Stommes et al. (2023)
  • We compare: insurgent violence in ACs narrowly won by INC vs. ACs narrowly lost

Included Constituencies

Main Results

P(Any Fatality) ~ INC Win

Fatality Count ~ INC win

INC Legislators Reduce Insurgent Violence Production

What Doesn’t Drive the Main Results?

INC effect not driven by:

  • Hindu- vs. Sikh-majority ACs
  • Higher vs. Lower HDI
  • Urban vs. Rural ACs
  • Rebel operation timing
  • Incumbents vs. new MLAs
  • Particular elections
  • Particular districts

Block-Jackknife Plot: Dropping each district to check for “importance” to overall effect.

Three Clues About The INC Effect

  1. Violence reductions go with decrease in indiscriminate “sweeps”/“nakas”

    • Substitution toward selective violence?
  2. Violence reductions benefit both state and national security orgs

    • National party MLAs using de facto authority
  3. Violence reductions largest in areas with good ICT Infrastructure

    • Lots of possible explanations


  • National party politicians significantly decrease violence in a separatist conflict
  • Mechanism analysis points to:
    • Classic information \(\rightarrow\) selective violence pathway
    • Better coordination/influence over security bureaucracy
    • Interesting ICT Pathway
  • If this is right, selective violence \(\neq\) “friendly” COIN


